Test software must - should be - bullet proof, secure and easy to use.

In worst case the test software is some script only.

It is common practice to reuse software originally written at development phase for test purposes.

While this way could work, there are some problems with it:

  • test software is not intuitive enough
  • usually user errors are not handled
  • most hardware errors are not handled either
  • input/output check is minimal if any exists

Though these problems are not in concern during development they will be at test.

The test operative is not necessary an educated engineer who knows what is actually happening if some error occurs.

Therefore, the test program should be as simple as possible, have an easy-to-understand user interface, and have a complete error and data checking system.

All of these plus the security which will prevent unauthorised access to both the software itself and the test parameter descriptors.

Most of our bespoke test software are running on Linux system and compiled to native code. We do not use any script if possible.

There are many benefits to using the Linux platform and native code:

  • test software and settings are secure
  • proper authorisation is possible
  • robust and reliable base
  • easy to archive

All of our programs are designed and written to take into account the above issues and requirements.

During production, some new and unforeseen problems will occur, this is impossible to avoid.

That is why we provide active assistance at the start of the project.

If and when the product will be updated or the test requirements has changed the test software needs to update as well.

The price of our software includes up to 5 main updates in the agreed time frame.

Contact us today!



Theta Test Systems Ltd.

BM Centre
11. St. Martins Close
SO23 0HD

